Sunday, April 17, 2011

Do You Know The Ten Commandments?

Most Americans don't know the Ten Commandments. An article in The Good News magazine for April says that a survey by the Barna Research Group found that less than half the people surveyed could name even 5 of the Ten Commandments. That made me think and it turned out that I could only come up with 8 of them myself without thinking for a bit. So i'm going to go over them here. One at a time. That should help set them in my mind.

Just remember; Jesus said that what is in our hearts and minds is as important if not more so than what we do. In Matthew 5:28 he says that looking at someone lustfully means you have already committed adultery with them in your heart. 2 Corinthians 10:5 says we take every thought captive to obedience to Christ. So it is not only what we do that is important. What we think and how we feel matters too. The spirit of the law is more important than the letter of the law. I need to remember that. Especially when I'm angry.

The first of the Ten Commandments says :

"I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery, You shall have no other gods before me". Exodus 20:2-3

This means that God comes first. Before anything else. Before husband, children, work, or anything else.  Jesus said, when asked, that the greatest law of scripture was that "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind" Mathew 22: 35-38

I need to work on this one.

There is a booklet about the Ten Commandments available on the Good News magazine website.

1 comment:

  1. That's it..if we as Christians can't obey the 1st commandment, than why should we expect his blessing on our lives?
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