Sunday, October 5, 2014

So Many Shades Of Green

Have you noticed how many different shades of green there are out there? I'm not talking about paint colors either. I mean out in the world.
Just in my back yard there are several shades of green. Looking out my door makes me feel happy.
Inside the house is a bit of green too. It is nice to look at and the plants clean the air. How neat is that?

The best thing about it is that green doesn't cost anything. You can see it just about anywhere, for free.

And it often smells good too.

God did good by us. I'm grateful. I need to remember this more often.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A Great Guide To The End Times

I just finished this book by Derek Prince. The title is Prophetic Guide To The End Times: Facing The Future Without Fear.

This is a really good book.

He talks about what Jesus said is going to be happening and why he thinks we are in the End Times now.

He says that the Holy Spirit is being poured out on the Church right now and that we all need to be working on coming into unity with Gods purpose.

I have so much jumbled in my head that I can't explain but he pointed out some things that I had not considered.

One was that the Good News of The Kingdom Of God must be preached in all the world...and that there must be a disciple from every nation, tribe, and tongue...before the end will come.

He thinks that has only become possible recently with the discovery of TV and radio and of course the internet. Oh and airplanes and other transportation to let folks travel to every part of the world.

A very interesting read!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Spring Makes It Easy To Be Happy

Spring is such a hopeful and happy time.

Everything is turning green again and you don't have to huddle under blankets anymore.

And for many of us our Arthritis gets a bit better. My mom had a lot of trouble this past winter and my own knuckles are starting to ache a bit when it is cold. We are both glad it is warming up!

It is also a great time for young animals. We had some new hatched chicks to raise this year and there are little animals showing up all over the place.

The man down the street raises cows and they are all having or already had babies and there is a goat farmer around the corner and the goats are having their babies. And if you are lucky you can see little spotted deer with their momma's on occasion.

And of course there are rabbits and squirrels just about everywhere.

God surely did give us a wonderful world to live in. We should appreciate it!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

I Found It!

Now I know how that housewife in the story Jesus told felt. You know the one who lost her coin and cleaned her whole house looking for it.

And when she finally found it she wanted to tell all her neighbors and maybe have a party to celebrate.

This morning my hearing aid was broken and we could not find the earmold. My husband even took the bed apart to make sure we were not overlooking it under the bed.

I figure it broke and dropped off when I took it off at bedtime. I usually put it in the night stand drawer so the dogs can't get to it and I won't accidentally knock it off.

We had finally given up and I was checking to see if I could find an old one I could use temporarily. Otherwise I would have to do without a hearing aid for a week at least while the new one was made.

Not sure...they might have been able to make a temporary one. It has been a long time since I had that problem.

But I opened the bottom drawer of the nightstand the earmold was in the corner of the drawer! We never even thought to look in there. We felt awfully silly when we found it. But OH SO HAPPY!! Hubby was practically dancing.

He doesn't like it when my hearing aids don't work. I tend to talk to loud and I have a lot more trouble understanding what he says.

So it turned out to be a good day!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Please Pray For My Family

For the last few months we have been going through some trials.

Especially my husband. He is fighting an addiction and really needs all the help he can get.

My step-children are also fighting addictions. My step-daughter is doing really well though...she has made it for over 4 months so far!

I myself am much in need of patience. And I need to learn to not be anxious.

If it were not for my dogs and the chickens I might have gone nuts today. Then again it is possible I did go nuts and just don't realize it!

That is a gorgeous day here in Arkansas. The sun is shining and lots of flowers are already blooming. Some trees are budding too and the birds are having fun.

I'm grateful to be here to see it. And to be ABLE to see, and hear, and smell it!

Thanks for reading and for your prayers!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Losing Your Life

 I've been reading the gospels again lately. Some things that I didn't really understand before are making more sense now.

Like in Luke chapter 17 where Jesus is talking about losing your life.

He mentions Noah and Lot and says that "in those days" people were just living their lives - getting married, going to work, eating, drinking, partying and had no idea they were about to lose it all.

He says it will be the same on the day the Son of Man is revealed.

He says that if you are on the roof you should NOT go down to grab your things and if you are out in the field you should NOT return to your house.

He says to remember what happened to Lot's wife (she was turned into a pillar of salt) and that :

"Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it". Luke 17:33

I always thought those references were just to dieing. But that isn't the whole of it. He is also talking about your things...your house, your clothes, your computer, your purse...your friends, your family, your work, your church...all the things that make up your "life".

You need to be willing (and ready?) to lose those things (your "life") at any time and without looking back. 

That is not easy. I had already been working on that a bit without even knowing it but there is a long way to go still.

I'm thankful to be learning these things. God is good.