Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Oven Is Working Well

That is something to be thankful for!

We had a frozen pizza for dinner which we could not have done if the oven didn't work.

And of course the pizza was in the freezer section of the refrigerator before that. So I'm glad we have a refrigerator and that it works well.

Sometimes I forget that there are places in the world where people can't count on things like that. Some places they don't even have electricity much less an oven or a refrigerator.

I'm really blessed to have lived in a place with a very high standard of living. I have never gone hungry.

I would be happy if that never changed but the way things are could happen. I'm going to enjoy what I have while I have it though.

And thank the Lord for it.

 photo credit: iammikeb via photopin cc