Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Asking For Help

Asking for any kind of help can be really hard for some folks. Even asking for prayers.

We need prayers. My family. Especially my husband. He hasn't had a regular job in a while now. The ones he applied for (qualified for) all went to younger men. He has been making ends meet however he can.

He was depressed for a while and I finally persuaded him to go to a local counseling clinic that doesn't charge much and he got some counseling and is doing better.

Now he needs his teeth pulled and some dentures ( so he can still chew). The dentists want to do it all at once so he won't be without teeth for long. We don't have the money to pay for that. The only way we could do it is through a credit card (Care Credit) that charges a huge APR.

So I put up a fundraiser at GiveForward to see if other folks could help. So far it has gotten one donation. And only 4 "likes". And two comments.

Please help. Donate if you can. The site accepts PayPal and credit cards. I don't know if you can send checks or not. The minimum amount you can donate with PayPal is $10 but there is no minimum with a credit card.

If you can't donate please pray for him and leave a comment on the site. Let him know you care. He has been hurt that his family has not even said anything.

And please share the page. Thank you!

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