Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Ninth Commandment-You Shall Not Give False Testimony

The ninth commandment says "You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor." Exodus 20:16

The word translated as neighbor here can actually mean just about anyone. So basically it is saying to tell the truth about other people. Don't go around telling lies about other people. Especially if you would gain something by doing so. This includes both public speaking, as in a court of law, and private, as in speaking to your best friend in your own kitchen.

There are several reasons for this commandment. One is that Gods people were to reflect his character. God is completely honest. Therefore his people should be honest. Another reason is that bearing false witness against a person, even just gossiping about him, was and is, very hurtful to that person. It can harm him in many ways such as damaging his reputation, hurting his business, or just hurting his feelings. Gods people were commanded to love their neighbors. Hurting someone is not loving. False witness was also very destructive to society as a whole. If people can not trust the courts and do not believe that justice will be done then law and order tends break down. This causes suffering for everyone.

Jesus also said to love your enemy as well as your neighbor. So this means you are not even to tell lies about your worst enemy. Which is extremely hard to do. Especially if you are really angry at the person. Remember, the new testament also says to be angry but do not sin. Ephesians 4:26

Another post I read cited some times in the old testament when telling lies seemed to be ok. He made the point that it is hurting others and the expectation of honesty that matter. I'm not sure if that is entirely correct or not but there are some good points in that post.

I think this is something that needs more consideration on my part. I need to make sure that I'm not saying harmful things. Unless of course they are true! Maybe.

References : Got Questions?org
Micheal Williams-Master of None

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