I've been reading the gospels again lately. Some things that I didn't really understand before are making more sense now.
Like in Luke chapter 17 where Jesus is talking about losing your life.
He mentions Noah and Lot and says that "in those days" people were just living their lives - getting married, going to work, eating, drinking, partying and had no idea they were about to lose it all.
He says it will be the same on the day the Son of Man is revealed.
He says that if you are on the roof you should NOT go down to grab your things and if you are out in the field you should NOT return to your house.
He says to remember what happened to Lot's wife (she was turned into a pillar of salt) and that :
"Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it". Luke 17:33
I always thought those references were just to dieing. But that isn't the whole of it. He is also talking about your things...your house, your clothes, your computer, your purse...your friends, your family, your work, your church...all the things that make up your "life".
You need to be willing (and ready?) to lose those things (your "life") at any time and without looking back.
That is not easy. I had already been working on that a bit without even knowing it but there is a long way to go still.
I'm thankful to be learning these things. God is good.