Now I know how that housewife in the story Jesus told felt. You know the one who lost her coin and cleaned her whole house looking for it.
And when she finally found it she wanted to tell all her neighbors and maybe have a party to celebrate.
This morning my hearing aid was broken and we could not find the earmold. My husband even took the bed apart to make sure we were not overlooking it under the bed.
I figure it broke and dropped off when I took it off at bedtime. I usually put it in the night stand drawer so the dogs can't get to it and I won't accidentally knock it off.
We had finally given up and I was checking to see if I could find an old one I could use temporarily. Otherwise I would have to do without a hearing aid for a week at least while the new one was made.
Not sure...they might have been able to make a temporary one. It has been a long time since I had that problem.
But I opened the bottom drawer of the nightstand the earmold was in the corner of the drawer! We never even thought to look in there. We felt awfully silly when we found it. But OH SO HAPPY!! Hubby was practically dancing.
He doesn't like it when my hearing aids don't work. I tend to talk to loud and I have a lot more trouble understanding what he says.
So it turned out to be a good day!